Career Discovery

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Career Discovery – Signature Program

It’s not too late to find your next career – and the role you were born to play. The biggest mistake professionals make in an unhappy career is thinking it’s too late to make a change. So they stay stuck, doing something they hate, waiting for Friday…

Is this you..?

  • You don’t know what it is that you want to do… but you know that it’s not this. 
  • You might have tried a few things that haven’t worked, which has made you feel even worse – more confused and even with additional debt from training that you haven’t used. 
  • You’d love to find a new career that fits you like a glove, but are confused about what that is – and really frustrated that you still can’t seem to find it? 
  • You hear “just try lots of different things” But what if you keep trying different things and then you never actually find it before time runs out? Life is short!
  • You want to know ‘what’s out there’?  The trouble is… there are SO MANY options and ideas ‘out there’ that it can make your head spin (and you’ve maybe been going around in circles for a while…)  SO much choice, and new roles, occupations and opportunities being created all the time.
  • The COVID pandemic has had you thinking about redesigning your work life to suit you, but you don’t know what to do, and how. 
  • ‘Something will come along’ you are told. Yes, something might, but will it be something that you actually want and that lights you up? Fortune favours the brave (or in this case, those who act).
  • You’ve had decades in this profession… you’re not sure that you are equipped to be or do anything else?!
  • You’re worried that you have to go back to school, start again at the bottom or take a big hit to your salary if you decide to change your career direction. 
  • Your identity is entwined with what you do, and it seems so hard to imagine yourself doing anything else.

You are not too old. It is not too late.

You absolutely can find your way, it’s not too late, even if it seems murky and you are feeling battered by current circumstances. It is very normal to change your role and career direction, even multiple times, and yes, even later in life.

You worry that you are too old to make changes to your career and that you better just hunker down and ride it out ‘til ‘retirement’. THEN you can start enjoying life. But you spend a great majority of your waking hours at work, shouldn’t it be something that lights you up? (And, we don’t really know how many years we have…)

It’s common to think that it may help to ‘talk to lots of people and learned friends’. That should help!? They keep asking you what you want to do, and, well, that’s precisely the problem! Or, they are full of worldly advice about what you should do (but see things through their own lens, preferences and life experiences.) Lots of conversations with lots of people tends to create more confusion, not the clarity you are seeking. 

This is your one, precious life.

Your career makes up a huge portion of your waking hours. Don’t you want to spend them in a career that feels truly aligned with the unique one and only, you?

Imagine never having to talk to friends, your hairdresser, and long-suffering partner or family about your career direction, ever again? How great will it be to find clarity about your ultimate career direction – and work at something you find meaningful and satisfying?

Think about how it will feel to understand yourself through the lens of career, from the inside-out, and know what you have to offer the world – highlighting your strengths, what gives you a buzz and truly aligns with your values.

Just think about the time that you will get back from stopping the merry-go-round of “what if’s”, endless job ad browsing, while staying stuck in work that you hate! Instead, being uplifted as you come away with a supported plan of action.

Imagine proudly telling people about your new career direction, and the new work life you are unleashing.

You CAN identify a way forward – even one that doesn’t necessarily demand yet another piece of paper (unless of course you love learning or need a certification to perform a role).

From spinning your wheels, you will gain clarity and know the right actions to take to make the possibility of a career shift into an exciting reality.

Hi! I’m Lois, Career Practitioner and Founder of Career Wisdom

I came to Australia from Scotland at the age of six and over my education years, attended seven schools. This was a great introduction to developing skills to build rapport and connection with others – something I love helping my clients with.

My first ever job was my dream job. At age 15, while at school, I performed in a dance troupe, for corporate gigs. I was sold early on the idea of working at something you absolutely loved (although I earned just enough to pay for shoes and hairspray!). I also worked in a retail chain clothing store (not quite so glamorous).

My early career years were good, often great, but I longed to work at something that really lit me up, as well as earning an income. I enjoyed a 15-year career in the ‘people side’ of financial services – in corporate relations and education for the ASX, and representing Australia’s biggest superannuation fund.

After a time, perhaps like you, I found myself contemplating ‘what’s next?’ I knew that I wanted meaning in my work, as well as earning good money.

I began thinking about ideas (psychologist? HR? journalist?) but none were quite right. I was frustrated and confused about answering “What do I want to do?” Then after reading over twenty books on career, life and work, I finally – after two long years, worked out that I wanted to help people with their career direction. (I am now motivated to support people with the answering of this question A LOT faster than it took me to do it, alone!)

I completed a Masters degree in Career Development and in 2005 started Career Wisdom, while also working at the local career drop-in centre, helping people both young and more mature to navigate their careers. In my book “Make Your Move”, I write about varied modes of work, including the ‘portfolio career’ that I’ve enjoyed myself for over a decade. 

Over the past 17 years, I’ve had the delight of working with professional rugby players, company ballet dancers, graduates and professionals from all kinds of industries and sectors. I’ve helped people with their careers in one-on-one settings, small group workshops and presentations. It is my belief, and experience, that you can find or create another “Plan A” after a great earlier career that ends as well as create a new brilliant career, and at any age.

Awarded a Churchill Fellowship in 2019, I investigated services that assist people to navigate their careers, beyond cancer. With cancer survivorship on the rise and an absence of career development services in Australia, this is a vital area to address. As a result, Career Wisdom is a social enterprise, helping to fund the creation of resources and programs for cancer survivors to thrive in their careers with the Careers Beyond Cancer project. Your engagement in Career Wisdom programs means helping even more people to thrive in their own careers, beyond cancer

Introducing the Career Discovery program

This comprehensive ‘Career Discovery’ Signature program is specially designed for thoughtful professionals who are feeling burned out by current work constraints and/or a toxic workplace, tiring of doing work that lacks meaning, or finding themselves often contemplating what would have them feeling more whole and energised in their work.

We partner to get to the heart of defining your own fulfilling career – and your new future.

You’ll learn how to:

  • Gain clarity into what you truly desire … that you are no longer losing energy, time, and self-worth overthinking everything, questioning your abilities and feeling like “you should have figured it out by now” (everyone else seems to know what they’re doing and where they’re going!)
  • Find confidence in your next steps, knowing exactly what to do to get where you want to be.
  • Understand your ideal work so that you can stop being pushed into other people’s boxes. 
  • Create life-work that energises you – so that you can stop chasing ‘work-life balance’ and enjoy both work and life. 
  • Choose a direction that has you looking forward to Mondays.
  • Gain real connections and champions, to help you not only in your career but real relationships with great people to journey with, into the future.

What’s included:

Over five sessions together, we take a deep dive into your personal career journey and attributes, ideation and creation of possibilities, alignment with you and your values, and mapping out where to next. All sessions are 1:1 and 60-90 mins (depending on the session).

The Career Discovery happens in three phases, over five 1:1 career counselling and coaching sessions and some activities in-between that are all guided. 

  1. Self discovery (what really makes you tick from a career perspective)
  2. Career options and ideation (a process involving thorough exploration, creativity and design thinking)
  3. Catalysts (action planning, testing, connections – and lift-off!)

Want more details on my unique career counselling + coaching + guidance mentoring approach and process?

Book a Career Discovery chat with Lois

Plus, you may receive these bonuses:

BONUS: Your e-copy of the book “Make Your Move” plus a timely offer and discount to enter into the Career Catalyst program at a special rate – when you book within 14 days of enquiring.

These valuable bonuses will allow you to gain momentum and ensure that the great outcomes from your Career Discovery mean that you gain early traction on your transition. In addition, you will have support to expand your network and have fellow career champions by your side.

“Lois is a superstar of her trade! Lois’s knowledge and experience are invaluable, her connections are extraordinary, and her warm welcoming nature ensures that she’s a lot of fun to work with. I’d recommend Lois to anyone looking for support to launch ahead in their career journey!”

Ria Ferris | Perth WA | Executive Officer

Ready to begin?

Book your Career Discovery
Request a chat with Lois

Still thinking about it? The cost of delay is an opportunity cost, as well as:

  • More years, months (decades, even!?) of giving the best hours and years of your life to work that you don’t love.
  • Missing out on income and enjoyment by not acting to move towards identifying your next steps now.

Please note: there are limited timeslots, with some popular days/times booked up to three months in advance, so you may need to be placed on a waiting list.


Most work is done within the 5 1:1 sessions, collectively around 7 hours. The initial assessments will take 30-45 minutes to complete, plus the in-between work will take another 2-3 hours spread across the program timespan.
What’s different about working with me? Good question! Here’s what my clients tell me – that I’m:

Intuitive and creative. My clients recognise the advantage of me tapping into my creativity and ability to ‘join the dots’. Many of my clients are highly creative too and love to bounce ideas around whilst staying true to a process – while others are more analytical and appreciate the creative and analytical process that I bring to uncovering themes and the ideation process.

A generous Connector. Honing my connection skills from my early years attending seven schools, then working in corporate relations and engagement roles, across multiple networks and sectors, a top strength is as a Connector. My clients often say: “you know EVERYONE!”. (Not quite, but you get the gist…) Where possible, I like to provide you with warm introductions to generous members of my personal network. This is priceless.

Experienced and qualified. Masters qualified in Career Development, I did the Signature program with Leadership WA and was awarded a Churchill Fellowship. I continually add to my knowledge with short courses, conferences and mentoring. I’m a referred practitioner for the AIS Career Practitioner Network and a Registered Career Development Practitioner with the Career Industry Council of Australia. I write, counsel, coach, speak and mentor.

Committed. So far, I have clocked up 17 years as a career practitioner. I’ve been around the block, and there’s never a dull moment! I’ve worked in multiple settings including professional sport, the education sector, corporate consulting, non-profit and private practice. I’m all in – 100% (I’m not working other jobs while doing this as a side hustle.)

Eclectic. I blend career counselling, career coaching, mentoring and career advising to do a deep dive into you better understanding yourself and your drivers, what’s ‘out there’ and what interests you – and help you to uncover your next best steps to actually getting there. Some of my favourite thought leaders include Laurence Boldt, E. James Rohn, Sir Ken Robinson, Tara Mohr, Brene Brown, Maya Angelou, Seth Godin and Tim Ferris, among others.

It depends upon your definition of results. Immediately following (and often during – including the introductory chat) the program you will have insights, actions to take and an understanding of next steps. Follow through and building towards your next role (which could be speedy, or slow, depending on many factors) can have your situation change very soon, or will need a longer term view. There are program offers that can assist you to keep up momentum during the transition phase.
I have worked with people from all walks of life, industries and professions. Due to the premium offering, the programs mostly attract adults with life experience who are or have been in professional roles. Booking a call is welcomed to ensure a good fit before we begin working together.
The timing is flexible, the maximum length of time is 6 months, usually it is completed in 2-3 months. It is recommended that you have a session weekly to fortnightly, with the final session being approximately 3 weeks after the 5th, to allow time for engaging in the first few items of your plan. Most clients complete the Career Discovery within 9-12 weeks, schedules permitting.

The Career Discovery is an extensive and personalised 1:1 program, costing less than one unit of a post graduate degree. The investment for the program is $3,990 inc GST. A payment plan is available. See payment plan

An alternative is the Career Quest, which is a hybrid of self-paced/DIY plus additional and optional 1:1 coaching and debrief sessions. You can DIY plus book the two included sessions as needed. $1,995 inc GST. See payment plan

No, the work is individual and personal, I only work with the client.
Often those who call themselves career coaches are job search coaches and focus more on getting the next role or progression within a company, looking at resumes etc. With a Masters Degree in Career Development and nearly two decades in the field, I blend career counselling, career coaching, mentoring and career advising to deep dive into understanding yourself, what’s ‘out there’ and what interests you – and help you to uncover your next best steps.
An online group membership called Treehouse is available to get ongoing assistance, support and keep momentum. You also have the opportunity to engage with the Career Catalyst : Make Your Move Program to get into action, maintain momentum and have continued support, including 1:1 feedback.
It can certainly help and you can replace the word “career” with whatever term works for you. You may wish to visit my site at where the programs are aimed towards a ‘Personal Renaissance’ that suits people at that stage (often aged 50 plus but not necessarily) who are designing their next stage of life-work. I call them ‘reinventees’!
This program is mode agnostic, in that it doesn’t assume you will work as an employee, contractor, self employed or business. That emerges during the design and planning stages. I have personal experience in all. You will have opportunities to test out your theories in conversations with key people and I can also refer you to specific marketing coaches or consultants and/or business coaches, depending on your needs.
I mainly work with adult professionals. On a limited basis I work selectively with young people 18-22 years old, using elements of the Career Discovery plus working in with an Education Consultant if needed. Please contact me to discuss.
My focus of work is on helping people discover their career direction, towards more meaning (and money). If you are very clear on what you need then you can elect to do the Career Catalyst: Make Your Move program.

If you are unsure about what you want (stay, go, change, what to do next?) and want to explore your options, then this program is ideal. We can have a conversation and if another career/executive coach is better suited for your specific needs, I’m happy to refer you.

Want to start your Career Discovery?

Click to Register

Still thinking about it?
The reality? Time is of the essence. Here’s why…

  • Every time you delay investing in yourself and your career is more days, months, years (decades, even!?) doing work that doesn’t light you up.
  • The opportunity cost of not acting to move towards identifying your ‘next’ means missing out on potential income, meaning and enjoyment.
  • The bonus of discounted entry to the Career Catalyst program within 30 days of completion of your Career Discovery.

Life is short. Researchers report that regrets are often about things you didn’t do or didn’t try (not those you tried). It would be my honour to help you realise your new career direction and ‘back yourself’.

Here’s to you – and the wonderful next chapter of your career!

Start my Career Discovery
Questions? Book a Career Chat

Career Discovery Program inclusions:

Personalised career assessments, debriefed so that you can understand yourself and your drivers, from a career perspective.

Value $770

Six 1:1 sessions from 60-90 minutes depending on sessions (7 hours in total), with Lois, a qualified and highly experienced career practitioner.

Plus, a personalised Career Discovery Report and ‘IACT’ action planning tracker

Value $3,990+

A discount to the Career Catalyst: Make Your Move program (if booked within 30 days)

Value $995+

Ongoing access in a private LinkedIn group with other professionals


Key contacts suggestions and where possible, ‘warm introductions’ for your network

Value (Priceless!) $$$$$

Total value: over $5,990+

Your investment: $3,990 inc. GST

A payment plan is available.

Begin my Career Discovery

In a nutshell, you will get:

  • To know yourself from a career perspective
  • Greater clarity on your direction and next steps
  • An actionable plan to test and experiment, review and develop
  • Tools and resources
  • Lois, a leading professional career practitioner, working personally 1:1 with you
  • Invaluable suggestions, connections and support

Ready to get excited about your career?

My own ‘stuckness’ took me two years to get out of.  I read over 20 books on careers, life and work before finally figuring it out, then having to get started. Don’t be like me and take that long! (You can, and will, do this a LOT faster.)

Your new-found career clarity and identified next actions will sure beat going around in circles, delaying making a choice. 

I work with clients across Australia as well as overseas in my home office (with my pup often snoozing close by). And I still indulge my love of dance, as both an audience member and eternal adult dance student, even occasionally on stage.

Hand on heart, I can declare that I found what I love to do. And that is my sincere wish for you, too.

Best wishes


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